Facebook Launches a New Feature Dubbed Memories

Facebook is rolling out a new feature called Memories. It allows you to browse all the moments you’ve previously shared with family and friends.
Either its posts or photos, friends you’ve made or major life events, you can now find everything in a single place called Memories.
According to Facebook, it felt the need to add a feature like this since more than 90 million people every day are using On This Day to remember the moments they’ve shared on Facebook.

Your Memory Page contains the Following
  • On This Day: The content that you know and love will still be available within this section, showing your past posts and major life events from this date.
  • Friends Made On This Day: This section will include a list of friends you made on this date in the past, including special videos or collages that celebrate your friendversaries.
  • Recaps of Memories: This section will feature seasonal or monthly recaps of memories that have been bundled into a message or short video.
  • Memories You May Have Missed: If you haven’t checked your memories lately, this section will show you the posts that you might have missed from the past week.
How to Access Memories?
Facebook users can access Memories via notifications, through messages that they may see in their News Feed.
The new features is available to Facebook users on Android and iOS devices.

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